The Children ministry serves to enhance the value of every child, equiping them for supernatural exploits, creating world-changers from an early age.
As stated in ‘The Mandate’ – The Operational Manual of the Living Faith Church worldwide, the Aims and Objectives of the Children Church are as follows:
i. To teach them in the fear of the Lord (Ps 34:11; Prov 1:10).
ii. To inculcate in them the values and virtues of the Church thereby preserving the heritage of the church (Ps 127:3).
iii. To present the gospel to them in their own language.
iv. To cater for their level of understanding and assimilation of the gospel.
v. To meet the different needs and challenges of their age groups.
vi. To preserve then from the pollution, corruption and decadence of the society (Ps 144:7,11)
vii. Discipline them for exploits in the kingdom (Dan 1:20, Dan 11:32, Ps 127:5)
viii. To raise children of renown and excellence (Ps 144:12)
ix. To give them purpose for living (Dan 1:8)
x. To teach them the pattern for living.
The Children’s Church runs in line with the adult services, keeping the children engaged by the Word, music, videos, art and creativity, bible stories and life application discussions.